Course overview

Topic time estimate: 4 Minutes

Welcome to your course!

Let’s learn strategies for Leadership Resilience that will help you to navigate change and business disruptions more effectively. In an era where globalisation, digitalisation, and unforeseen challenges such as pandemics demand swift and effective adaptation, the urgency for sustainable change has never been more pronounced. It’s easy to gravitate towards quick-fix solutions in times of upheaval, but history and experts advocate for a more considered approach.

Rooted in the wisdom of seasoned Change Management, Project Management and Leadership professionals, this course emphasises the importance of resilience and strategic agility over impulsive decisions. It invites you to shift your mindset from seeking temporary relief to fostering long-term adaptation in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Resilience is critical for leaders and organisations, enabling adaptability to change, sustained performance under pressure, and enhanced mental well-being. It fosters a culture of continuous learning and growth, encouraging innovation and resilience in the face of setbacks. Resilient leadership significantly boosts employee engagement and retention, as employees are inspired by leaders who navigate challenges gracefully. This, in turn, promotes a positive work environment and supports mental health.

Is this course right for you?

Designed with mid-level managers and executives in mind, this program is ideal for leaders facing immediate challenges that require a thoughtful, resilient response.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, you will have learned to

  • Tap into resilience amid change,
  • Articulate compelling reasons for change,
  • Uncover and leverage personal and team motivators,
  • Craft and use vision boards and visualisation techniques,
  • Apply Rapid Change Planning and effective progress monitoring,

Table of Content

Below is the overview of what will be covered in each session:

  1. Session: Vision and Visualisation
  2. Session: Motivation and Motivational Styles
  3. Session: Mindfulness, Rapid Change Planning, and Progress Monitoring
  4. Session: Resilient Change Leadership

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