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We are most motivated to change when our values and aspirations align: Our actions will have purpose.
You can implement a vision board as an individual or a team resilience tool to create the desire to change for you and your team. Your vision board is a tool that is designed to be used for regular visualisations to reinforce change over time.
In the first step, you will review your goal and priorities with the future-state worksheet. To find out what matters to you, you can:
We trained 40 leaders of an NFP in the EXCELerate Change Leadership Program. The leaders worked through their future-state worksheets and then build their vision boards. After the executives completed their vision boards the CEO presented her vision board to the rest of the team. The emotions, words and hopes that she chose to explain her visuals really spoke to the executive team and drew a much more compelling reason for the change than any of the elaborate project documents. The speech was so powerful that the leadership team decided to record it and make it available to the entire organisation. This is one example of using simple EXCELerate tools for powerful Change Leadership.