Now it is your turn. You will find the vision board template waiting for you in the Materials section.
Go to Materials to download the vision board template to complete your assignment.
Follow the instructions to download and work through your assignment.
Upload the completed vision board to progress with your course.
Time estimate: 1 Minute
Watch this how-to video as a help to complete your assignment.
Time estimate: 20 Minutes
Here is your second assignment.
Click on the links below to start the downloads.
Double-click on the download to open the template. You are now looking at the vision board template, personal and business visuals. This is a toolkit from our Resilient Change Leader course where we deep-dive into everything resilience during change.
Allow approximately 20 minutes to build your own vision board using the provided or individually sourced images.
Once you are happy with your vision board, go to File > Save.
Your template will save your vision board. Please note that your template is available for you to edit in the future.