Course overview

Topic time estimate: 1 Minute

Welcome to your course!

We all feel it.

The VUCA world = A volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous place to live and work at.

The (business) world has changed significantly over the last century. We now live in a highly connected and complex society where change happens fast, often and unpredictably.

Change Advocacy is about enabling professionals and emerging leaders to step up, commit to and take control over a challenging and changing situation. It is about giving professionals the understanding and tools they need to feel less victimised by rapid business change but rather empowered to seize opportunities and foster better mental wellbeing for themselves and others along the way.

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best adapt to change.”

Charles Darwin

Is this course right for you?

This course is designed for professionals and emerging leaders whose businesses or communities are undergoing change and who seek to actively contribute to the course of how the future unfolds.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, you will:

  • Be able to explain the basics of individual and business change
  • Be able to identify actions for you to role model change at work and in your community
  • Be able to apply practical tools from change management and change leadership that advocate for change at your workplace

Table of content

Below is the overview of what will be covered in each session:

  1. Session: The basics of change management
  2. Session: Change impact and understanding stakeholders
  3. Session: Identifying and taking practical steps to advocate for change
  4. Session: Bringing it all together

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