Course overview

Topic time estimate: 4 Minutes

Welcome to your course!

A study by Coch and French analysing 4 different factory worker groups’ reactions to change, found that the type and size of the technical aspect of the change do not determine the presence or absence of resistance nearly so much as does the human aspect of the change. Whilst changes occur smoothly and frequently in tightly knit workgroups, top-down imposed change projects are almost always met with immediate resistance. Resistance and conflict negatively impact people’s cooperation, output, and performance, and increase aggression, stress, grievance cases, and resignations.

Getting better at resolving conflicts is about enabling leaders to establish a dialogue, manage resistance, resolve issues and conflicts and make room to innovate and cooperate better.

“People don’t resist change. They resist being changed.

Peter M. Senge, Senior Lecturer at MiT

Is this course right for you?

This course is designed for leaders at all levels who look for practical tools and skills to lead and manage change more effectively. This course especially looks at techniques to manage conflicts and overcome resistance.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, you will:

  • Be able to identify conflicts as opportunities
  • Be able to classify conflicts by level and type
  • Be aware of your own and others’ conflict-solver style
  • Be able to identify the right resistance manager and approach
  • Be able to demonstrate de-escalation and conflict-solving

Table of content

Below is the overview of what will be covered in each session:

  1. Session: Resistance management
  2. Session: Conflict solver styles
  3. Session: Conflict resolution capability
  4. Session: Conflict resolution in change

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