Course overview

Topic time estimate: 4 Minutes

Welcome to your course!

86% of employees and executives believe that ineffective collaboration and communication are major reasons for failures in the workplace. On the other hand, teams who communicate effectively can increase their productivity by up to 25%.

In a Tribe quarterly report on Change Management, 84% of surveyed employees stated that change is communicated poorly in their organization.

A study by Towers Watson change study found that while 68% of senior managers understand the reasons for organisational change, only 53% of middle managers comprehend the message and no more than 40% of front-line managers truly understand the change. These statistics highlight the importance of effective communication in facilitating business and successful change.

Effective communication involves more than just the transfer of information; it’s about understanding the emotions and intentions behind the information. Good leaders cultivate an environment where every member feels seen, heard, and motivated to contribute. This fosters a sense of belonging and commitment to shared goals. Communication as a leadership skill includes active listening, clear and concise messaging, transparency and authenticity, empathy and emotional intelligence, and the ability to adapt communication styles to different individuals and situations. By mastering these skills, leaders can build trust, inspire collaboration and creativity, resolve conflicts, and drive success in their teams.

Communication as a change management skill includes effectively communicating the reasons for change to all levels of the organisation, providing ongoing updates and feedback throughout the process, actively involving employees in the change process, and addressing any concerns or resistance. By keeping everyone informed and engaged, leaders can ensure a smooth transition and increase the chances of successful change implementation. As Henry Ford said, when everyone moves forward together, success takes care of itself. Effective communication is essential for both leadership and change management and plays a crucial role in facilitating business growth and innovation.

Is this course right for you?

This course is designed for leaders at all levels who look for practical tools and skills to lead and manage change more effectively. This course especially looks at techniques to communicate effectively and how to create a communications plan for a change project.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Use two-way communication to drive change
  • Apply active listening to collect feedback
  • Understand and adapt to different communication styles
  • Rectify or create a communication plan
  • Effectively communicate.

Table of content

Below is the overview of what will be covered in each session:

  1. Session: Communication basics
  2. Session: Communication styles
  3. Session: Change communication plan
  4. Session: Effective communication for change

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