I am Dreaming of a GREEN Christmas

How to Lead an Environmentally Sustainable Transformation

Christmas is a time of transition

As we head into the holiday season, it is a time of change and transition for many of us. For those in the energy industry, this change is driven by the need to move towards sustainability and more efficient use of resources. At the heart of change management is a forward-thinking mindset that recognises the importance and benefits of embracing change in order to meet the challenges of the modern world.


With this in mind, I am dreaming of a green Christmas - one that is marked by change and progress towards a more sustainable future, whether it's reducing our energy consumption, switching to renewable sources, or simply spreading awareness about the importance of making our world a better place.

Shocking statistics about climate change

There is a lot of change happening in the world right now. Leaders and organisations are under pressure to respond to global challenges such as climate change, environmental sustainability and the need for a net-zero transformation. 


The Paris Agreement, which was signed by 195 countries in 2015, calls for a limit on global temperature rise. In order to achieve this, countries have committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, to avoid catastrophic climate change, we need to make radical changes to the way we live and do business. Unfortunately, Australia’s 26-28% emissions reduction target for 2030 on a 2005 baseline is not enough to meet the Paris Climate Agreement targets as it continually increased its greenhouse gas emissions.


According to recent studies, this increase is mostly driven by the use of fossil fuels and sectors such as electricity, transport, stationary energy, agriculture, fugitive emissions, industrial processes, and waste and land use. In addition, the average Australian has one of the highest per capita carbon footprints in the world, due to our high levels of energy consumption and reliance on air conditioning.


Despite these alarming statistics, there is hope for change - many companies and individuals are actively working to reduce their carbon footprint and transition to cleaner sources of energy.

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A change management roadmap to a more sustainable future

To achieve a more sustainable future, we must change our approach to energy and adopt new technologies that can help us to become more efficient, reduce our impact on the environment, and ultimately transition to a cleaner and greener way of doing business. This change will require change management skills at all levels - from leaders who drive change within organisations, to individuals who adopt new habits and behaviours to help us move towards a more sustainable future.

As leaders in the energy industry, it is our responsibility to drive change and help pave the way towards a more sustainable future. This means equipping ourselves with change management knowledge and tools necessary to engage key stakeholders, navigate change, and overcome any resistance we may encounter along the way. By working together, we can shift the dial in the energy transition and ensure that our industry is on track for a brighter, greener future.

5 things you will need to succeed with your net-zero goals

We identified 5 things you will need to succeed with your net-zero goals:

  • 1 A change management mindset and the ability to navigate change and transition.
  • 2 Access to the latest energy technologies and clean energy sources, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal power.
  • 3 Strong leadership that can encourage change at all levels of your organisation and support employees in adopting new habits and behaviours.
  • 4 A commitment to engaging stakeholders and building a sense of shared ownership for your net-zero goals.
  • 5 Tools and resources that can help you track, measure, and evaluate your progress towards achieving net-zero status.

Authentic and Visible Leadership for a GREENER Tomorrow

CEOs and leaders of businesses should initiate and implement change by first communicating a succinct and compelling reason for the change, and then taking full responsibility for sustainable development. This will help build long-term trust with employees and other stakeholders, who may be sceptical of the motivations behind net-zero goals.


As change leaders, it’s important to ‘walk the talk’ and lead by example. This means setting ambitious yet achievable net-zero goals for the organisation and being transparent about progress. It also means supporting employees in their own sustainability efforts, whether that’s making green commuting choices or cutting food waste.

Authentic and visible leaders for sustainability

Finally, change leaders should build resilience into their transformation plans. This means having core contingency plans for potential setbacks and challenges and being prepared to adapt as the landscape changes. By taking a proactive and resilient approach, organisations can stay on track to achieve their net-zero goals.

3 FREE things we can learn from the leaders in the Energy Transition

We can learn a lot from the leaders in the Energy Transition, such as Google, NextEra, Orsted, Iberdrola, Enel, JinkoSolar and Equinor.

  • Don't be discouraged by change and transition; view change as an opportunity to improve and innovate.
  • Trust in your employees to make the right decisions, and empower them with the resources they need to succeed.
  • And finally, stay focused on your end goal - a brighter, greener future for our planet.

By taking these steps, change leaders and managers can make a difference and help their organisations transition to a net-zero tomorrow.

An appeal to the reader to act now

So let's start dreaming of a green Christmas - one that sees change as an opportunity for progress, not an obstacle to overcome. After all, change is the only constant in our ever-evolving world, and we must embrace it if we want to thrive in the years to come.


As leaders in the energy industry, it is our responsibility to drive change and help pave the way towards a more sustainable future. If you are serious about making a positive impact on our planet, now is the time to act.

sustainability starts now

Whether you're looking to transition your business to net-zero status or simply want to learn more about change management and how to align your actions with purpose, our Value-Driven Change Leader course can help you take your next steps towards a more sustainable future. So why not check it out today? Let's work together to build a brighter, greener tomorrow.


Sam is one of the authors of The 6 Cents of Change. He's a father, a CEO, an Engineer, a trainer and a problem-solver. His work impacted Apache, Santos, MMA, and more. In his other life, he loves CrossFit and cricket. 

To learn more about us and the solutions we provide, subscribe to The 6 Cents of Change, follow us on LinkedIn or connect with us here info@approach-services.com or +61 (08) 610 20 343.

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