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Build Resilience: Practical Steps for Your Change Strategy

As a change manager, you’re acutely aware of the psychosocial hazards that can arise from poorly managed change initiatives. Resistance to change is a natural human response, but left unchecked, it can derail even the most well-intentioned projects. The key to turning resistance around and mitigating these risks? Building resilience.

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The 1-2-3-Easter Egg Challenge for 🥚-ceptional Change Leaders

As Change Managers and Leaders, we understand the profound impact that transformative leadership can have. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the 1-2-3-Easter Egg Challenge. This challenge is designed to enhance your leadership skills, foster team collaboration, and creatively approach change management.

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How Leaders Can Transform Workplace Conflicts into Creative Solutions 

Conflict in the workplace is often seen as a negative and destructive force. However, what if we shift our perspective and see it as an opportunity for growth, creativity, and innovation? In this blog, we will explore how leaders can harness conflicts to transform their teams and organisations.

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Transform Your Change Management Approach: Lessons and Tools from Our Biggest Webinar Yet!

Welcome to our blog post recapping the success of our biggest webinar yet – “Skyrocket Your Change Management Skills with This Killer Tip!” We are thrilled to share that we had over 200 registered participants, consisting of change managers, project managers, business improvement professionals, business analysts, and corporate employees.

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Level Up with the Right Change Management Solutions: Tips and Resources to Make the Transition Easier

Whether we listen to First Nations taking care of the country and honouring the seasons or read about the ancient Greeks and Romans, people always knew that change is inevitable. Yet the uncertainty that comes with unchartered territory can scare the living daylights out of us.

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Understanding the Basics of Change Management: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Organisational Change Capabilities

During a meeting, our CEO asked: “What do we need to embrace and make change happen, no matter what the change is or the time?”

Once we know that, we can sweeten the learning pathway for every player in the business transformation process.

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The Essential Steps for Implementing a Comprehensive Change Capability Framework

Leaders in today’s organisations face a common challenge – how do they ensure their team can handle the ever-changing business dynamics? The answer lies in developing a comprehensive Change Capability Framework.

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2 Secrets That Will Help You Build Change Management Skills Across Your Business

Most CEOs and managers agree that Organisational Change Management capabilities are a must-have in our ever-changing industry. You probably already considered investing in Change Management Training to ensure your leaders have the right skills to help your workforce and business thrive.

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How to Execute Complex Transitions Smoothly and Pain-Free: Your 3 Best Options To Align Leaders, Project Management and Change Management

The lack of integration between Leadership, Project Management and Change Management causes systemic problems that send projects on the path to failure. You may not know it, but you suffer from the pain.

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Rethinking Change Management: Why Hiring a Change Manager May Not Be the Best Solution for Your Transformation Project

Are you looking for a way to manage change in your organisation? If so, hiring a change manager may be the first solution that comes to mind. But is this the right approach for your change project?

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The Power of Change Resilience and How It Can Transform Your Business 

As businesses in the Energy and Utilities industry increasingly respond to changing consumer demands, technology trends, and regulations, Change Resilience has become a critical skill for senior people and culture leaders. But what is Change Resilience – and why is it so important in 2023?

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Going Green. Do You Really Know How To Reduce The Risks Associated With Your Energy Transformation?

Are you considering taking your Energy, Utilities or Resources business green? It might seem like a daunting task with potential risks and costs. But don’t worry – Building Change Capabilities for your business makes the transition easier and downsizes pitfalls!

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