Transform Your Change Management Approach:
Lessons and Tools from Our Biggest Webinar Yet!

Header source: Rekisha Morrison - Thunderstorm at the Bore

📖 Reading time: 4 mins

Welcome to our blog post recapping the success of our biggest webinar yet - "Skyrocket Your Change Management Skills with This Killer Tip!"  

We are thrilled to share that we had over 200 registered participants, consisting of change managers, project managers, business improvement professionals, business analysts, and corporate employees. From all corners of the world such as Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, Europe, and the US, change agents gathered for an exciting 1-hour lunch and learn session.  

If you missed this event, do not worry - our blog post will cover all the highlights and provide valuable lessons and tools from our expert speakers. Let us dive in! 

How Storytelling Can Transform Your Change Management Approach

Storytelling has long been a powerful tool for engaging and inspiring others. But have you used it yet for taking your change management skills to the next level?  

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Change Readiness Checker

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Change Management Canvas

Follow Approach Services

Our expert speakers shared their experiences and insights on how storytelling can transform your approach to change management. In our webinar, we discussed three challenges common during organisational change. These include the constant feeling of herding cats, the bumpy ride of transitions, and the search for elusive sponsors after the initial kick-off. But fear not - Eva Sayem, our Change Management expert, provided practical tips and tools to effectively navigate through these challenges. Let us look at how storytelling can help overcome these obstacles and bring success to your change management.  

Construction Analogy - Change Management Approach

By using analogies, Eva helped us understand the importance of having a clear structure and foundation in place for successful change management. Just like a blueprint for a house, the L.P.C. triangle helps guide our approach and ensures all elements are stable and working together seamlessly. Additionally, comparing the change management process to a baby's first year highlights the need for patience and nurturing during times of transition. Leaders with change management capabilities are like trusted doctors, guiding and supporting their "patients" through the change process. And just like recovering from surgery, addressing resistance to change is a crucial step in achieving successful outcomes. These analogies provide a new perspective on major challenges in change management and offer practical strategies for navigating them effectively.  

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Did you miss it? Don't worry, You are in luck! The webinar recording is now available for purchase

For those who could not join us live, we have good news - the recording of our webinar is available for just $10 here. 

Tools for Effective Change Management

Aside from storytelling, our webinar also shared valuable tools to engage stakeholders, fast-track a communication plan, and measure progress during organisational change.  

Here is how you can use them in your change management approach to create momentum:  

  • Start by using the Change conversation starter cards during stakeholder meetings or workshops to facilitate open and honest conversations about the change. This will help identify any potential areas of resistance and provide valuable insights into people's change capabilities and individual change journeys.
  • When it comes to communication, be sure to include elements that not only inform but also build change management capabilities for leaders and employees. Include posters, newsletters, factsheets, and even training videos. 
  • The Change Project Canvas is a great way to get everyone on the same page and facilitate collaboration between the project team, sponsor, and change team. By taking a holistic approach to business change, this canvas helps identify any potential gaps or areas for improvement.

Hello there lovely lady! Thanks for that chat, great session - impressed with the tools you have out there, I have wanted for some time to make my card deck I love using card decks in everything, so portable and fun. I am pitching one in-house for a cultural change now. Feedback on the event, well prepared and facilitated - your roles were clear, making it easy for the group. You could seed a few questions beforehand just in case, though you handled it well in getting people to speak up (always difficult). You could draw a distinct line between your catchy title (the "one" tip) and the content - maybe in the follow-up comms? My takeaway was that the one killer tip is storytelling! 

-M. Change Manager and Chief of Staff, Perth>  

Looking at a varied toolbox, our team also emphasised the importance of measuring progress during business change. This can be done through pulse checks and collecting feedback from stakeholders at the start, at key milestones and 3 months after go-life. By tracking progress, you can identify and respond to any potential roadblocks and work on areas that need extra attention for lasting change.  

Final Thoughts

Our biggest webinar yet was a huge success, thanks to all our amazing speakers, the support team, and incredible participants. We hope that the insights, tips, and tools shared will help transform your change management approach and bring success to all your future projects. Change is omnipresent, but with the right skills and strategies, it can be fun. Please continue the conversation to build the ultimate change toolbox.  

If you enjoyed this blog post and want to stay updated on future webinars, be sure to sign up for our newsletter below.

Webinar Participants

Sam is one of the authors of The 6 Cents of Change. He's a father, a CEO, an Engineer, a trainer and a problem-solver. His work impacted Apache, Santos, MMA, and more. In his other life, he loves CrossFit and cricket. 

To learn more about us and the solutions we provide, subscribe to The 6 Cents of Change, follow us on LinkedIn or connect with us here or +61 (08) 610 20 343.

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