Being a follower...
A Follower is someone who follows the events taking place and is open to accepting guidance from others for organisational change. Followers pay close attention to the organisation's strategic direction and all change-related information, believing in the mission of the change sponsor. Followers may not have a strong background in Change Leadership tools, which is why they may opt to observe and take in information rather than actively participate in or lead organisational changes.
Did you know?
Did you know that it is typical for leaders to act as Followers if they have little engagement with the change project planning? Followers can provide insights into what might work or not work during the transition but are generally not the most effective way to lead change.
Building Organisational Change Capabilities
Leaders with little engagement with the change project planning may not be equipped to lead organisational changes.
This can leave organisations in a state of flux without clear direction or guidance on effectively managing and implementing change. Without the right tools and knowledge, leaders are unable to provide insights into what might work or not work during times of transition.
Building organisational change capability is essential for successful transformation initiatives. By investing in Change Leadership training and actively engaging with the project planning process, leaders can become more effective at leading organisational changes and providing valuable insights into potential solutions that will help drive success.
Leading Transformation Successfully
Are you a Follower looking to lead successful organisational change?
Followers are essential for any organisation going through a transition, but they can't provide the same insights and guidance as leaders. Investing in Change Leadership training is essential for successful transformation initiatives. Our program will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to effectively manage and implement change while providing valuable insights into potential solutions that will help drive success.
Value Driven Change Leader Program
With the Value Driven Change Leader program, you'll be able to confidently take charge of your organisation's transformation journey and become known as the sponsor who led the most successful business transformation. You won't have to worry about making decisions without clear direction or guidance - we make change less risky!
Sign up now for our Value Driven Change Leader Training Program and start leading organisational changes successfully today!