Valēre Instruction Manual

Thank you for your purchase. On this page, you will find more information about Valēre and how to use it:

  • 1 Click the button below to download your Valēre instruction manual.
  • 2 Watch the walkthrough videos to get started.

Brené Brown, author of Daring Greatly and Dare to Lead, researched that disengagement is the underlying issue of many problems. When leaders don't practise the values they aspire to, it fuels disengagement and we lose employees.

Don't aim for perfect; simply engage and commit to aligning your values with actions.

Valēre playfully allows you to mind the gap and work on that alignment.

You will lead change stronger and better, worthy for others to follow.

We hope you enjoy the Valēre Change Leadership toolkit that much that you want to tell others about it!

Valēre walkthrough


What Our Clients Say


“Thanks for a fantastic workshop. I’m looking forward to the next one and taking our business along an exciting journey.”

Superintendent Operations Processes

IM BHP Billiton, WAIO


 ”Hugely helpful in allowing me to step outside of my issues and understand where I am in the change journey. I used these tools to navigate through a complex organisational change. It helped me to see a different perspective.”




”There were excellent facilitators at our sessions. I wish we had received this training 12 months ago. It has given me a lot of insight into the change process, how necessary it is for our company and has motivated me personally to be more involved.”

Statewide Manager


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